Project Gallary!!

"I love to look at art.I love to look at paintings and i almost feel like the experience feel like the experiance isnt compplete until i've made something of my own ❤️" by Cecily Brown

For this project, it was a lot of fun as well! Not only did I think outside the box, but I also tried something new! Combining things that I like and using many different art styles, in my opinion, really pieced my collage together. This was a small collage project that was a great start to my class. It definitely made me remember all my tools in Photoshop and learn other tools as well. I'm happy this project made me experience using different tools and styles that I'll definitely remember for future projects. ❤️

THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN TO MAKE! I LOVED EVERY SECOND OF IT! 😍 My final project for this class. I wanted to show how much of an improvement ive learned from animating. I definitely still had some small problems here and there from rendering to adding compistions for example 😭 but it was great to figure out where i went wrong it helped not only figuring out the problem but actually finding surprising improvments on my animation.😂 So for this project ive made a gif of my favourite character from league of legends AKALI! and i am so happy to have been able to make it 😍 even if im still new i still look foward to improving each and every time 💕

This was definitely a project that opened up a new and different type of style for me. However, it helped me embrace the idea of going out of my comfort zone and trying something new. This project limited some of my creativity because it was assigned to use a specific prompt and colors. Even with these limitations, it made me think outside the box, and I never imagined I could create art I like within those constraints, but I did! 😁 I would definitely like to get used to this a bit more and just test the waters, as one might say.

This was my very first animation. 😄 I’ve always wanted to do animation before I took this class, and I’m happy this was my start! At first, it was a bit overwhelming because I had to make sure all the keyframes were where they were supposed to be. Not to mention, I had to jump from Photoshop to separate the layers and name them; these were just a few of the challenges.😭 But overall, I’m glad I got the hang of it! I loved combining animation and drawing, and really seeing my art come to life a bit. 😍 I will continue to improve on animation even more in the future! 😁👍

This was my first ever video! It was the most difficult project of them all. I've never done any video editing before, so imagine my face when I first started this project. 😂 I never knew how time-consuming it was until we started, and how hard it was to come up with a video idea. 😭 It definitely got my brain turning, but once I had an idea, it was a lot of fun! Doing all the research and thinking of all those funny memes/clips I’ve gathered over the years was enjoyable. I had a couple of stumbles here and there, from matching my voice to my clips to making sure my edits didn’t get cut off, but I would definitely like to improve on this more someday. I hope that one day I’ll be able to entertain more people with my videos even more! 💕

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